Oxygen Leaks

"Oxygen Leaks" Flash Fiction

What's in a name?

Sure, Oxygen Leaks is the name of our website, but it is also an event that, under the wrong circumstances, means you will not go to space today.

It almost always means something Very Bad is happening.

As a special, perpetual, contest, write and submit a flash fiction piece of around 200 words that uses the idea of an oxygen leak as a central theme. It could be anything from a leak in a space station, to a shut-off valve failing in an old-age home. (note: we prefer submissions around the 200 word length, and will reject anything over 280 words.)

If your submission is chosen we will send you a t-shirt with your story printed on it!

Submit Flash Fiction

If you have a flash fiction piece to submit that is not on the "Oxygen Leaks" theme, use our normal fiction submission process.

What we Pay

These flash fiction submissions are meant to be fun pieces that can be printed on a t-shirt. If your submission is chosen we will send you a t-shirt with your story printed on it.