Affiliate Links
On book listing pages, whenever possible, we provide links where you can purchase books. Some of these links are affiliate links where purchasing a book from that site results in payment back to Oxygen Leaks if you use that link. It's one of the ways we try to support this site and keep it running.
In all honesty, it doesn't work that well and so far hasn't even bought us a cup of coffee! But the insidious hope is that one day, with enough traffic, we will be swimming in lattes (which is kind of gross, and I'm now sorry I even said that. I don't really want to swim in coffee).
List of Affiliates
Here is a list of links to sites that we are affiliated with. If you see links to these sites we will make some amount of money when you purchase an item from them:
- Barnes and Noble
Amazon Links are NOT Affiliate Links
Links to Amazon are not affiliate links. We didn't sign up for the Amazon affiliate program and try not to support them with traffic or sales whenever possible. We believe Amazon in its current form is a net negative for authors and book selling.
It wasn't always this way. When Amazon first started they shook up an industry that desperately needed it. But as they have grown, their initial positive influence has become a monopoly that is hard to shake. (This is probably a good topic for a blog post of its own.)
However, ideology must meet reality, and Amazon IS the largest bookseller in the world. The vast majority of hard science fiction titles are distributed through Amazon and only ever at Amazon.
If we chose to not list titles that are distributed through Amazon, we would list only a few hard science fiction books per year.
For example, I am writing this in January of 2025. This month, there are 126 English language hard science fiction novels being published.
Only 4 of those books are available anywhere but Amazon. FOUR.
If we did not list Amazon only titles, we would be listing few books indeed.
Our compromise on this is to list the Amazon links last and in a style that deemphasizes their existence. If books are available anywhere else, we will show those links in a more eye-catching manner.